When you use your Mastercard, you're protected against fraud.
Have peace of mind knowing that the financial institution that issued your Mastercard won't hold you responsible for “unauthorized transactions.” As a Mastercard cardholder, Zero Liability applies to your purchases made in the store, over the telephone, online, or via a mobile device and ATM transactions. As a cardholder, you will not be held responsible for unauthorized transactions if:
- You have used reasonable care in protecting your card from loss or theft; and
- You promptly reported loss or theft to your financial institution.
If you believe there has been unauthorized use of your account and you meet the conditions above, rest easy knowing you have the protection of Mastercard’s Zero Liability promise. For additional protections with respect to unauthorized transactions, please contact your bank or credit union. Note: Zero Liability does not apply to the following Mastercard payment cards: commercial cards, or unregistered prepaid cards, such as gift cards.
What to do
If you have questions regarding Zero Liability coverage or you suspect unauthorized use of your card, contact your financial institution IMMEDIATELY.
Effective October 17, 2014
If applicable law imposes a greater liability or a conflicting obligation, such applicable law shall govern.